Kalamazoo Nature Center

KNC Camp

Lord Aeck Sargent, in collaboration with Byce & Associates and Johnson Hill Land Ethics Studio, contributed to the redesign of the Kalamazoo Nature Center’s (KNC) Camp facilities, emphasizing the integration of sustainable design with educational purposes. The project involved the creation of several new structures including a gate house, entry drive, camp program center, open-air amphitheater, camp pavilions, and a variety of outdoor play elements like a treehouse and a zip line canopy tour. This design allowed for an immersive experience in nature while also utilizing sustainable design strategies such as rainwater harvesting for irrigation, vegetated roofing, and site-harvested materials. The new facilities enhance the KNC Camp's mission to connect children with nature through hands-on experiences, ensuring that the built environment supports environmental education in a setting that encourages both exploration and play. The rehabilitated structures, such as the Timber-Frame Barn, incorporate green design strategies like natural cross-ventilation and recycled materials, ensuring a minimal environmental footprint while offering durable, functional spaces for educational activities.


Kalamazoo, MI


  • Full Architectural and Interior Design
  • Sustainable Design
  • Historic Preservation


7,081 sf | 1,001 acres


Mass-timber, Adaptive Reuse, Learning Spaces, Campus Design, Nature Center, Green Infrastructure


AIA Southwest Michigan
Honor Award

Photo: Curt Clayton

Photo: Curt Clayton

“We now have a space that inspires fun, creativity and is welcoming to all who arrive. In the event of inclement weather, campers and staff have a large open space in the barn and a beautiful, covered deck where they can continue their program without risk, and the addition of water play and specifically Nature’s Playground, allow kids of all ages to explore, dig, get wet and most importantly, have fun in nature!”

— Bill Rose, Former President and CEO

Photo: Lord Aeck Sargent

Photo: Curt Clayton

Photo: Curt Clayton

Photo: Curt Clayton

Photo: Curt Clayton