Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
In collaboration with the National Park Service, Lord Aeck Sargent undertook a comprehensive multi-phase preservation initiative for Fort Jefferson National Monument, located in Dry Tortugas National Park. The project began with an amendment to the Historic Structure Report, which established detailed guidelines for stabilizing the fort's historic masonry and introduced new protocols for future site planning to enhance visitor and staff functions. A key component of the project was the development of a Geographic Information System database, capturing 20 years of project data, including previous restorations and their impacts. This informed the assessment and treatment of the fort’s structures. The team’s recommendations were field-tested through the complete restoration of a bay in the fort’s brick embrasure wall, which provided valuable data for future preservation efforts. This project exemplifies a data-driven approach to historic preservation, integrating technological tools with conservation expertise.
Dry Tortugas National Park, FL
Architecture, Conditions Assessment, HABS/HAER Documentation, Historic Preservation, Historic Structures Report, Preservation Planning, Tax Credits
17 acres
Cultural Site, Historic Site
Photo: Bennett Preservation Engineering
Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
Photo: Lord Aeck Sargent
"I personally thank you for your involvement in this and future projects at Fort Jefferson. The generous sharing of your particular skills, expertise and philosophy will help to ensure the success of the very essence of what we do.... caring for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage."
— Dan B. Kimball, Acting Superintendent
Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
Photo: Alan G. Kennish III
Photo: Bennett Preservation Engineering