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November 1, 2013 Building Design + Construction, “Where are they now? ‘U40s’ keep pushing the envelope”
October 27, 2013 Dexigner, “Nature-based Camp Undergoes Facilities Makeover”
October 22, 2013 inhabitat, “Timber Barn Repurposed into Inspiring Activity Hall at Michigan’s Kalamazoo Nature Center Camp”
October 17, 2013, “Kalamazoo Nature Center Camp”
October 17, 2013 Earth Techling, “Kalamazoo Nature Center Expands Through Adaptive Reuse”
October 14, 2013 Crain's Detroit, “UM, Ford to open battery research, manufacturing lab”
October 2013 Building Operating Management website, “At the University of Alabama, New Laboratories Are Designed For Collaboration”
September 27, 2013 Laboratory Design, “USTAR, James L. Sorenson Molecular Biotechnology Building, Salt Lake City, Utah”
September 10, 2013 The Exchange, “Ground Breaking/Beam Signing for New `Ville Housing”
September 8, 2013 Today at Utah Policy, “Setting the Gold Standard”
September 3, 2013 Metal Architecture, “Metal in Architecture as Cladding and Screening”
August 26, 2013 Atlanta Business Chronicle website, “Deal Log: Lord, Aeck & Sargent expands at Colony Square”
July 19, 2013 The Oklahoman, “The Metropolitan will be largest single-housing project in downtown OKC”
July 19, 2013, “Language Hall at Oxford College of Emory University”
July 9, 2013 Eastern Michigan University, “Eastern Michigan University honored for innovative system in Science Complex”
June 2013 Building Design + Construction, p. BTA21, “Sacred synergy achieves goals for religious education [2013 Building Team Award winner]”